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Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO
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tipologia: Relazioni complesse; Id: 414+++

Area dell'identificazione
Forme primaria nome
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Anecdotes and jokes - Stories about Married Couples (1350-1439)   
Area delle relazioni generali
Relazioni multiple ++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Anecdotes and jokes - Stories about Married Couples - The Foolish Wife and Her Husband (1380-1404)+++ [sequenza]: Catena monodirezionale+++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Anecdotes and jokes - Stories about Married Couples - The Foolish Husband and His Wife (1405-1429)+++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Anecdotes and jokes - Stories about Married Couples - The Foolish Couple (1430-1439)+++
[url]Multilingual Folk Tale Database: http://www.mftd.org/ [e.v. asis-]+++
sottosequenza referenziale A:
[mftd. ATU]1380. The faithless wife+++
[mftd. ATU]1381. The talkative wife and the discovered treasure+++
[mftd. ATU]1382. The Peasant Woman at Market+++
[mftd. ATU]1383. A Woman Does Not Know Herself+++
[mftd. ATU]1384. The husband hunts for three persons as stupid as his wife+++
[mftd. ATU]1385. A Woman Loses Her Husband's Money+++
[mftd. ATU]1386. Meat as food for cabbage+++
[mftd. ATU]1387. A Woman Draws Beer in the Cellar+++
[mftd. ATU]1391. Every hole to tell the truth+++
[mftd. ATU]1393. The Single Blanket+++
[mftd. ATU]1405. The Lazy Spinner+++
[mftd. ATU]1406. The merry wives wager . . .+++
[mftd. ATU]1407. The Miser+++
[mftd. ATU]1408. The man who does his wife's work+++
[mftd. ATU]1410. Four Men's Mistress+++
[mftd. ATU]1415. Trading Away One's Fortune+++
[mftd. ATU]1416. The mouse in the silver jug. The new Eve+++
[mftd. ATU]1417. The Cutt-off Nose (Hair)+++
[mftd. ATU]1418. The Equivocal Oath+++
[mftd. ATU]1422. The Parrot and the Adulterous Woman+++
[mftd. ATU]1423. The Enchanted Pear Tree+++
[mftd. ATU]1425. Putting the Devil into Hell+++
[mftd. ATU]1430. Air Castles+++
[mftd. ATU]1431. The contagious yawns+++
[mftd. ATU]1437. A Sweet Word+++
[sequenza]:Nuovi elementi non ordinati+++


Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO

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