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tipologia: Relazioni complesse; Id: 413+++

Area dell'identificazione
Forme primaria nome
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Anecdotes and jokes - Stories about a Fool (1200-1349)   
Area delle relazioni generali
Relazioni multiple ++
[url]Multilingual Folk Tale Database: http://www.mftd.org/ [e.v. asis-]+++
sottosequenza referenziale A:
[mftd. ATU]1200. The Sowing of Salt+++ [sequenza]: Catena monodirezionale+++
[mftd. ATU]1201. The plowing+++
[mftd. ATU]1202. The Grain Harvesting+++
[mftd. ATU]1203. The Scythe Cuts one Man's Head off+++
[mftd. ATU]1204. Fool Keeps Repeating his Instructions so as to remember them+++
[mftd. ATU]1211. The Peasant Woman Thinks the Cow Chewing her Cud is Mimicking Her+++
[mftd. ATU]1212. The Horse is Drawn across the Ice+++
[mftd. ATU]1213. The Pent Cuckoo+++
[mftd. ATU]1214. The Persuavive Auctioner+++
[mftd. ATU]1215. The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey+++
[mftd. ATU]1218. Numskull Sits on Eggs to Finish Hatching+++
[mftd. ATU]1225. The man without a head in the bear's den+++
[mftd. ATU]1226. The Rabbit Catch+++
[mftd. ATU]1227. One woman to catch the squirrel; the other to get the cooking pot+++
[mftd. ATU]1228. Shooting with a Gun+++
[mftd. ATU]1229. If the Wolf's Tail Breaks+++
[mftd. ATU]1231. The Actack on the Hare (Crayfish)+++
[mftd. ATU]1238. The Roof in Good and Bad Weather+++
[mftd. ATU]1240. Man sitting on branch of tree cuts it off+++
[mftd. ATU]1241. The tree is to be pulled down+++
[mftd. ATU]1242. Loading the wood+++
[mftd. ATU]1243. The wood is carried down the hill+++
[mftd. ATU]1245. Sunlight carried in a bag into the windowless house+++
[mftd. ATU]1246. The Axes Thrown Away+++
[mftd. ATU]1247. The Man Sticks his Head into the Hole of the Millstone+++
[mftd. ATU]1249. Oxen Hitched Before and Behind Wagon+++
[mftd. ATU]1250. Bringing Water from the Well+++
[mftd. ATU]1255. A hole to throw the earth in+++
[mftd. ATU]1260. Jumping into the sea for fish+++
[mftd. ATU]1261. The Slaughter of the Ox+++
[mftd. ATU]1263. The Porridge Eaten in Different Rooms+++
[mftd. ATU]1270. The Drying of the Candle+++
[mftd. ATU]1276. Rowing without going forward+++
[mftd. ATU]1277. The Boat Gets Tired+++
[mftd. ATU]1278. Marking the place on the boat+++
[mftd. ATU]1279. Protected by the Needle+++
[mftd. ATU]1280. The Needle (or the like) Falls into the Sea+++
[mftd. ATU]1281. Burning the Barn to Destroy an Unknown Animal+++
[mftd. ATU]1285. Pulling on the shirt+++
[mftd. ATU]1286. Jumping into the Breeches+++
[mftd. ATU]1287. Numskull unable to count their own number+++
[mftd. ATU]1288. 'These are not my feet'+++
[mftd. ATU]1290. Swimming in the Flax-field+++
[mftd. ATU]1291. Sending One Cheese After Another+++
[mftd. ATU]1293. Numskull Stays until he has Finished+++
[mftd. ATU]1294. Getting the Calf's Head out of the Pot+++
[mftd. ATU]1295. The Seventh Cake Satisfies+++
[mftd. ATU]1296. Fool's Errand+++
[mftd. ATU]1309. Choosing the Clean Figs+++
[mftd. ATU]1310. Drowning the crayfish as punishment+++
[mftd. ATU]1311. The Wolf Taken for a Colt+++
[mftd. ATU]1313. The Man who Thought Himself Dead+++
[mftd. ATU]1314. The Buttercask Taken for a Dead Man+++
[mftd. ATU]1315. The Big Tree Taken for a Snake+++
[mftd. ATU]1316. Rabbit Thought to be a Cow+++
[mftd. ATU]1317. Blind Man and Elephant+++
[mftd. ATU]1319. Other mistaken identities+++
[mftd. ATU]1321. Fools frightened+++
[mftd. ATU]1326. Moving the church+++
[mftd. ATU]1327. Emptying the Meal Sack+++
[mftd. ATU]1330. Quenching the Burning Boat+++
[mftd. ATU]1331. The Covetous and the Envious+++
[mftd. ATU]1333. The Shepherd who Cried "Wolf!" too often+++
[mftd. ATU]1334. The Local Moon+++
[mftd. ATU]1335. The Eaten Moon+++
[mftd. ATU]1336. Diving for Cheese+++
[mftd. ATU]1341. Fools Warn Thief what Not to Steal+++
[mftd. ATU]1342. Hot and Cold with the Same Breath+++
[mftd. ATU]1343. Hanging Game+++
[mftd. ATU]1344. Lighting a Fire from the Sparks from a Box on the Ear+++
[mftd. ATU]1347. Living Crucifix Chosen+++
[mftd. ATU]1348. The Imaginative Boy+++
[sequenza]:Nuovi elementi non ordinati+++


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