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Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO
guida generale

tipologia: Relazioni complesse; Id: 386+++

Area dell'identificazione
Forme primaria nome
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Tales of magic - Supernatural or Enchanted Wife (Husband) or Other Relative (400-459)   
Area delle relazioni generali
Relazioni multiple ++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Tales of magic - Supernatural or Enchanted Wife (Husband) or Other Relative - Wife (400-424)+++ [sequenza]: Catena monodirezionale+++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Tales of magic - Supernatural or Enchanted Wife (Husband) or Other Relative - Husband (425-449)+++
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Tales of magic - Supernatural or Enchanted Wife (Husband) or Other Relative - Brother or Sister (450-459)+++
[url]Multilingual Folk Tale Database: http://www.mftd.org/ [e.v. asis-]+++
sottosequenza referenziale A:
[mftd. ATU]400. The Quest for a Lost Bride+++
[mftd. ATU]401. The Princess Transformed into a Deer+++
[mftd. ATU]402. The Animal Bride+++
[mftd. ATU]403. The White and the Black Bride+++
[mftd. ATU]405. Jorinde and Joringel+++
[mftd. ATU]407. The Flower Girl+++
[mftd. ATU]408. The Three Lemons+++
[mftd. ATU]409. The Girl in the Form of a Wolf+++
[mftd. ATU]410. The Sleeping Beauty+++
[mftd. ATU]411. The King and the Lamia+++
[mftd. ATU]413. Marriage by Stealing Clothing+++
[mftd. ATU]424. The Youth Wed to a She-Devil+++
[mftd. ATU]425. The Search for the Lost Husband+++
[mftd. ATU]426. Snow White and Rose Red+++
[mftd. ATU]428. The Wolf+++
[mftd. ATU]430. Prince Donkey+++
[mftd. ATU]431. The Waldhaus+++
[mftd. ATU]432. The Bird Lover+++
[mftd. ATU]434. The Stolen Mirror.+++
[mftd. ATU]437. The Supplanted Bride (The Needle Prince)+++
[mftd. ATU]440. The Frog King+++
[mftd. ATU]441. In Enchanted Skin+++
[mftd. ATU]442. The Old Woman in the Wood+++
[mftd. ATU]449. The Tsar's Dog – Sidi Numan+++
[mftd. ATU]450. Brother and Sister+++
[mftd. ATU]451. The Nurse looking for her Brothers,+++
[mftd. ATU]452. The Maiden Who Seeks her Brother+++
[mftd. ATU]453. The Maiden Who Seeks her Brother+++
[mftd. ATU]459. The Make-Believe Son (Daughter)+++
[sequenza]:Nuovi elementi non ordinati+++


Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO

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