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Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO
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tipologia: Relazioni complesse; Id: 382+++

Area dell'identificazione
Forme primaria nome
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Animal tales - Wild Animals and Humans (150-199)   
Area delle relazioni generali
Relazioni multiple ++
[url]Multilingual Folk Tale Database: http://www.mftd.org/+++
sottosequenza referenziale A:
[mftd. ATU]150. The Bird's Three Precepts+++
[mftd. ATU]151. Music lessons for wild animals+++
[mftd. ATU]153. The Gelding of the Bear and the Fetching of Salve+++
[mftd. ATU]154. The Jackal and the Farmer+++
[mftd. ATU]155. Ingratitude Is the World's Reward+++
[mftd. ATU]156. Androcles and the Lion+++
[mftd. ATU]157. Learning to Fear Men+++
[mftd. ATU]158. The wild animals on the sleigh+++
[mftd. ATU]159. Captured wild animals ransom themselves+++
[mftd. ATU]160. Grateful Animals ; Ungrateful Man+++
[mftd. ATU]161. Peasant Betrays Fox by Pointing+++
[mftd. ATU]163. The singing wolf+++
[mftd. ATU]165. The wolf in the company of saints+++
[mftd. ATU]168. The musician in the wolf-trap+++
[mftd. ATU]170. The fox eats his fellow-lodger+++
[mftd. ATU]171. The Three Bears+++
[mftd. ATU]173. Man and animals readjust span of life+++
[mftd. ATU]175. The Tarbaby and the Rabbit+++
[mftd. ATU]176. The farmer tricks the jackals+++
[mftd. ATU]178. The Faithful Animal Rashly Killed+++
[mftd. ATU]179. What the bear whispered in his ear+++
[mftd. ATU]180. The rebounding bow+++
[mftd. ATU]182. The helpful animal and the snake+++
[sequenza]:Nuovi elementi non ordinati+++


Modalità in atto filtro S.M.O.G+: CORPUS OGGETTO

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