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Modal. in atto: CORPUS OGGETTOdisattiva filtro SMOG

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NB: le impostazioni di visualizzazione modificabili nel pannello di preferenze utente hanno determinato un albero che comprende, limitatamente alle prime 100 relazioni, esclusivamente i nodi direttamente ascendenti ed eventuali nodi discendenti più prossimi. Click su + per l'intero contenuto di un nodo.


tipologia: estensione di Relazioni complesse; Id: 87+++

Area dell'identificazione
Forme primaria nome
[sottosequenza di struttura]ATU - Animal tales - Wilde animals - The Clever Fox (Other Animal) (1-69)   
Area delle relazioni generali
Relazioni multiple ++
[url]Multilingual Folk Tale Database: http://www.mftd.org/ [e.v. asis-]+++
sottosequenza referenziale A:
[mftd. ATU]1.The theft of fish[mftd. ATU]+++
[mftd. ATU]2. How the bear lost his tail+++
[mftd. ATU]3. Sham Blood and Brains+++
[mftd. ATU]4. Carrying the Sham-Sick Trickster+++
[mftd. ATU]5. Biting the foot+++
[mftd. ATU]7. The calling of three tree names+++
[mftd. ATU]8. "Painting" on the Haycock+++
[mftd. ATU]9. The unjust partner+++
[mftd. ATU]15. Stealing the Partner's Butter+++
[mftd. ATU]20. Animals Eat One Another Up+++
[mftd. ATU]21. Eating his own Entrails+++
[mftd. ATU]30. The Fox Tricks the Wolf into Falling into a Pit+++
[mftd. ATU]34. The Wolf Dives into the Water for Reflected Cheese+++
[mftd. ATU]36. The Fox in Disguise Violates the She-Bear+++
[mftd. ATU]37. The fox as shepherd+++
[mftd. ATU]38. Claw in Split Tree+++
[mftd. ATU]39. The Bear Pulls Mountain Ashes apart so that the Fox's Old Mother can Get Berries+++
[mftd. ATU]41. The Wolf Overeats in the Cellar+++
[mftd. ATU]43. The Bear Builds a House of Wood; the Fox, of Ice+++
[mftd. ATU]44. The Oath on the Iron+++
[mftd. ATU]49. The bear and the honey+++
[mftd. ATU]50. Curing a Sick Lion+++
[mftd. ATU]51. The Lion's share+++
[mftd. ATU]52. The Ass without a Heart+++
[mftd. ATU]53. Reynard the Fox at Court+++
[mftd. ATU]55. The Animals Build a Road (Dig Well)+++
[mftd. ATU]57. Raven with a Cheese+++
[mftd. ATU]58. The Crocodile Carries the Jackal+++
[mftd. ATU]59. Fox and the Sour Grapes+++
[mftd. ATU]60. The Fox and the Crane Invites Each Other+++
[mftd. ATU]61. The Fox Persuades the Cock to Crow with Closed Eyes+++
[mftd. ATU]62. Peace Among the Animals – The Fox and the Cock+++
[mftd. ATU]63. The Fox (or Jackal) and the Fleas+++
[mftd. ATU]64. Tailless Fox Tries in Vain to Get Foxes to Cut off Tails+++
[mftd. ATU]65. Mrs. Fox's Suitors+++
[mftd. ATU]68. The Jackal Trapped in the Animal Hide+++
[sequenza]:Nuovi elementi non ordinati+++


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